The Case For Putting the Fun in Funerals

The Benefits Of Choosing Cremation

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You have many options on what to do with your loved ones when they pass away. For a long time, most people chose to bury their family members, but cremations are becoming more common. It’s not a new idea, as people have been cremated throughout history, and the benefits it provides is making more and more people choose cremation over other options.  Here are some of the benefits of choosing cremation:…

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Advantages To Preplanning Your Funeral

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While it can be somewhat anxiety-producing to think about planning your funeral, there are also numerous benefits. Planning your arrangements can make it easier for your surviving friends and family, but it can also ensure that you pay the best possible rate for these services. If you’ve been considering preplanning your funeral, consider the following benefits:   Lock in Your Costs Setting up arrangements with a funeral home in advance allows you to decide how you’d like things to go and then set up a payment plan.…

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Procrastinating Funeral Pre-Planning? Answer These 3 Questions Instead

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Many experts recommend funeral preplanning for everyone. But the idea of preplanning their own funeral makes many people uncomfortable. You may not even know where to start. If you are procrastinating funeral preplanning for any of these reasons, the good news is that you can make it manageable. Rather than attempt to make all possible decisions now, why not focus on just three key factors? Here’s what you need to know about these and how they will simplify funeral preplanning.…

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