The Case For Putting the Fun in Funerals

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Procrastinating Funeral Pre-Planning? Answer These 3 Questions Instead

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Many experts recommend funeral preplanning for everyone. But the idea of preplanning their own funeral makes many people uncomfortable. You may not even know where to start.

If you are procrastinating funeral preplanning for any of these reasons, the good news is that you can make it manageable. Rather than attempt to make all possible decisions now, why not focus on just three key factors? Here's what you need to know about these and how they will simplify funeral preplanning.

1. Who Do You Want to Plan It?

Probably the most important part of preplanning any postmortem arrangements is selecting the right person to handle it for you. After all, you can't be there and you can't overcome all possible obstacles, even with the best pre-planning efforts. 

The person in charge of deciding about and executing your funeral does not have to be your next of kin or even a relative. So choose someone who understands you, your taste, your interests, your religious views, and your budget. They should also be able to manage multiple tasks, stand up to well-meaning relatives, and make good decisions. 

2. What Do You Want to Happen to Your Remains?

The decision about what happens to your body is another central decision upon which others hang. Do you want to be buried, cremated, composted, or have your body donated? There is no right or wrong decision. It's a very personal choice, and you have both the right and the responsibility to make it. 

Whichever avenue of disposal you choose affects many other elements — including how much it costs, how many services there are and their timing, embalming requirements, and where your remains are kept. So once you designate the method, other choices become more limited and easier for your family. 

3. How Will You Pay For It?

Finally, how will you pay for your own funeral? No matter what you want done with your body, paying for it is ultimately your responsibility. Planning something that your loved ones cannot afford is no kindness to friends and family. 

Your budget also determines many other decisions like flowers and accessories, burial vs cremation, the size of the memorial or funeral, and where to hold a wake or visitation. 

There are many ways to pay for final arrangements, but this money must typically be available to planners shortly after your passing. Some people use designated beneficiaries on specific accounts to pass these funds quickly. You may also opt for life insurance, funeral prepayment services, or joint accounts.

Where to Learn More

If you can just answer these three questions now, your loved ones and your estate will be significantly more prepared to handle your passing. Get help by meeting with an experienced funeral home in your area today. 

For more information, reach out to funeral home services near you.
