The Case For Putting the Fun in Funerals

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Services That May Be Conducted Before And After A Funeral

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The funeral service is often the main event associated with respecting someone who has passed. There are many other services associated with the funeral process, including administering grief counseling, aiding with paperwork, and orchestrating an after-service gathering. 

Grief Support

If you are embarking upon the last few months of a family member's life, you may already be contemplating how you and your loved ones will cope with the reality of the death. Securing services through a funeral home that provides grief counseling can bring comfort to you and others in need. Many funeral homes offer a bereavement service. This may include onsite counseling, both before a funeral service and after one.

A funeral home that provides a comprehensive grief support plan may offer some additional resources to help those in need. Grief services that a funeral home offers may include sharing information about local groups that cater to those in mourning and posting online literature that will help someone who is struggling with the passing of a family member or friend.


There are many legalities associated with securing a funeral plot or a cremation garden section and being allowed to leave a loved one's remains there. You will have the opportunity to select if your loved one's body will or will not be presented during a memorial service.

You will also be able to make intricate plans that involve using a particular casket or urn during the service and then switching to a different casket or urn style after the service. You will receive guidance through a funeral home, with filling out the paperwork that is associated with your funeral costs and burial arrangements. This process will likely take place at the onset of the funeral planning.

An After-Service Gathering

Some funeral homes make catering arrangements that will be supportive of an after-service gathering. This type of gathering allows immediate and extended family members and friends to spend time reminiscing and providing support to one another. Since being equipped with the difficulties associated with saying goodbye to the deceased may be all that you can handle, for the time being, it can be truly comforting to have someone else take care of the food and beverage preparations that are needed for an after-service gathering.

Request information about this type of service, when you first consult with a funeral director about the impending funeral service that you will be planning. A director can offer some suggestions that will be fitting for the type of gathering that you would like to hold. 
