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What to Expect When Doing Advanced Funeral Planning

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It can be challenging to think about your own death. However, this is an issue that we will all face at some point in time. When you pass away, your family will be left to tie up all of your loose ends. Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be challenging enough, and the last thing you want to do is leave your family with multiple burdens. Advanced funeral planning can take the burden of planning your funeral and final wishes off of your family. Many funeral homes now offer this service and can help you determine what the best options are for you and place your final wishes onto paper. If you are meeting with a funeral home for advanced funeral planning, you may be unsure of what to expect. Here is what you can expect from the process.

An Overview of What You Want to Happen After Your Death

When you meet with a funeral director to prepare your advanced funeral planning, the director will first ask you what you want to happen after your death. Do you want to be buried, interned, or cremated? Do you want a funeral or not? Based on what you are looking for, they can give you various options that will help you determine exactly what it is you want after you pass away. This is typically what happens during a first meeting, and many people walk away at this point to figure out their budget, really think about what they want, and possibly discuss the options with their loved one.

Creating a Detailed Plan to Make Your Wishes a Reality

Once you have determined what it is you want and can afford, you will sit down with a funeral planner or director to create a detailed plan as to what you want to happen after your death. This plan can be extremely detailed, listing the exact type of flowers you want at your funeral and what poems you want. Or your plan can simply state that you want a traditional funeral and burial at a specific location and plot. The exact amount of detail you put in is up to you.

Paying a Deposit or Providing Full Payment

Once your funeral is planned, you will typically have to give the funeral home a deposit or some sort of payment. This is especially true if you are buying a burial plot or spot in an above-ground burial option. Many people either make payments for their advanced funeral services and burial options or pay the entire thing off to lessen the burden on their family. If you are on a payment plan, keep in mind that the balance will be due in full when you pass away, so ensure you have enough life insurance or savings to cover this cost for your family.

Thinking about your own funeral can be challenging. However, leaving your loved ones with the burden only makes life a bit more difficult on them when they pass. Advanced funeral planning allows you to plan your own funeral and burial so that you don't leave your family with this burden. Learning what to expect can help to ease some of the worry and fear you may have going into this appointment.
